When you’re working with a large lawn with sharp angles and hard corners, you won’t want just any lawn mower to help you finish the job. Zero-turn mowers offer a unique advantage over other mowers in that they can turn on a dime and easily switch directions. So are they right for you? Find out here!

Speed and Efficiency

Zero-turn mowers can cover a lot of ground quickly. They’re riding mowers, so they move faster than your standard push mower. This can be crucial for landscapers or those with large properties. Otherwise, you’d be mowing all day!


The defining feature of any zero-turn mower is its ability to make tight turns. The unique steering design allows them to change direction with the smallest turn radius possible, which makes mowing lawns with sharp edges much easier and cleaner. 

Long-Term Savings

You’ll quickly discover that zero-turn mowers are not the cheapest option on the market, but sometimes more money up front means lots of money saved in the long run. Because you can tackle your lawn faster, you can move on to other tasks around your home, or as a landscaper, you can fit more clients into the work day. Plus, when you use your mower for shorter periods of time, you wear down the parts at a slower rate, so there’s less maintenance and repair involved. So even though you’ll need to set aside some money to invest in one of these machines at first, you may find it’s worth it in the end.

Ready to check out some zero-turn mowers for sale? Stop by Ball Equipment in Richmond and Sandusky, Michigan, and we’ll show you what we have available right now! We also serve those in Detroit.